Info About Jay’s Candidacy




Dear Citizens and Fellow Bernie Supporters,

My name is Jay Blas Jacob Cabrera, and I’m a verified Bernie Candidate running in the 24th Assembly District of California. Being a “Bernie Candidate” means that I am running on the Bernie Platform and support ALL of Bernie’s policy positions at the local level and in California.

You can confirm that I am a verified Bernie Candidate at the following sites:

I have a great chance of winning my election, as the top two contenders win, and make it to the General Election. The 24th Assembly District of California is not just any random assembly district, it is literally the headquarters of Facebook, Google, HP, Stanford University, and many other Tech giants. We need to deliver this district to Bernie but I need your help! (See Bellow how you can get involved and support the Movement in California.)

I am the ONLY verified Bernie Candidate running for California Assembly in all of Northern California. Additionally I am the ONLY verified Bernie Candidate running for California Assembly that is NOT running against an incumbent. This greatly increases my chances of winning, as you know all about how 98% of incumbant elections are won by the incumbant.

In this No Incumbent Election, there are 5 democrats running in the 24th Assembly election, 4 establishment democrats, and one grassroots democrat who is a Hillary supporter. There is also a republican and a libertarian. Of the 8 candidates, I am the ONLY Bernie Candidate, and no one else comes close to representing the Bernie Platform. I am perfectly aligned with the Bernie Platform and even go further in empowering the People on many issues, as my background is being an Occupy Candidate and Organizer in 2012, and before that I am a super Sustainability organizer both across California and nationally.

I could easily win this election without fundraising large amounts of money, simply by consolidating the Bernie Vote, as the 4 establishment democrats will be splitting the vote in this plurality voting contest. The fact that is even a possibility, to win an election for a Peoples Candidate without the need for BIG Money, is an incredible opportunity.

I have been volunteering non-stop for Bernie’s Campaign, 40-60 hour weeks to support the entire Bernie Movement. The work I have been doing for the Bernie Movement includes organizing Phone banks the last 6 months, trainings, local organizing with Mid Peninsula 4 Bernie, and national organizing by creating and supporting the Bernie Party, BernieMovement Bottom Up Network, the Peoples National Committee and much more. I will continue to collaborate with the Bernie Movement and Campaign, but I need to spend some time on my own campaign now as well, as there are just a few more weeks before the election. You can learn about my Bernie work at this link:

Now I’m asking for a favor back, to help me win the 24th Assembly District for Bernie, and become the first verified Bernie Candidate to ever be elected to the California Assembly, with Many more to come. I need resources of volunteer time and funds to make this a reality.

The first thing you can do to help is simply sharing this post and letting anyone you know who lives in the following cities that they can vote for me, Jay Blas Jacob Cabrera in the June 7th California Primary. Sunnyvale, Mountain View, Menlo Park, Palo Alto, East Palo Alto, Half Moon Bay, Los Altos. Link to Map:

Be Sure to Like my Facebook Page:
and Twitter:

Also we need Volunteers for the Movement. Volunteering with my campaign is NOT like volunteering with a typical campaign, as my work is part of a vast network of organizations including supporting Bernie Candidates across the country and supporting the Bernie Campaign, and the entire Bernie Movement.  If you would like to get involved in my work to support the Movement, as well as help me with my campaign, You can simply email me, call me directly, or fill out this Volunteer Form:

For those who want to just get more information about the Movement and what is going on, you can sign up for one of our daily introductory calls at the following link:

If you have herd enough, and ready to make a contribution, all I ask for is $6, and your certainly welcome to give more, but my goal is to prove that we can win elections without BIG Money, but it is important that everyone who can contribute a little bit.

You can contribute to my campaign at this link:

Also if you would like to support the other essential project that I am working on, your welcome to make a donation to the Peoples National Committee, the Bernie Party, or the Bernie Movement Bottom Up Network. You can find links to donate to these essential projects at this link:

Thank you so much for your consideration and time to consider supporting one of the few Grassroots Bernie Candidates left in this election cycle.

Feelin the Bern Forever!


Jay Blas Jacob Cabrera

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