Jay’s Candidacyhttp://jaycan.us

Elemental Rights

I still need to do research on this issue, and get more feedback in order to lay out a feasible plan, but here are a few of my ideas off the top of my head.

  1.   All elements have a right to be pure (land, water, air, fire)

  2.   Water, Rivers, and Washes have right to flow where they want.  We need to build brides over them, even washes.  Minimum of 50 - 100 meters on either side of a big waterway.

  3.   All elements deserve to be represented as a natural resource

  4.   Air has a right to be clean.  Tax any use of air as a depository including volcanos?

  5.   Register all sources of pollution.

  6.   Tax all use of elements for disposal

  7.   Earth, charge for loss of topsoil, make it worth it to keep top soil in place

  8. Earth as soil, rock, oil, gas, etc is taxed as a natural resource even growing vegetables?

  9. The human economy is a subsidiary of the natural economy

  10.   Fire has a right to burn.  Must mark all areas and pay taxes for fire suppression .  Your choose to live somewhere where there is no fire suppression.  Don’t currently have enough money to suppress fire everywhere.

  11.   Tax all toxins released from burning

  12.   Do compost in forest ecosystems as fire suppressant

  13. Never use the sun as a disposal for waste.
